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1. Awara Cocktail Fest(503view/0res) Food / Gourmet 2023/08/02 03:00
2. Fukui Castle Seminar(864view/0res) Learn / School 2022/10/28 04:32
3. Smile Bus(984view/0res) Free talk 2022/10/08 05:19
4. Coco Ichi-chi(588view/0res) Other 2022/08/04 07:34
5. Tsuruga Marathon(682view/0res) Sports 2022/07/27 04:27
6. Glasses Fest(798view/0res) Free talk 2022/07/26 05:59
7. Armed Animal Crossing(458view/0res) Fun 2022/06/09 02:55
8. anisakis(415view/0res) Food / Gourmet 2022/06/09 02:53
9. rainbow line(496view/0res) Free talk 2022/06/02 04:12
10. Children's Smile-filled Photo Project(819view/0res) Free talk 2022/05/26 05:44


Foreign worker
  • チョウ
  • mail
  • 2019/11/18 09:42


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